WCS PNG - 2018 Annual Report

Date modified: 15 February 2022

The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society Program) is the longest established international conservation NGO within PNG, and has been undertaking conservation work in the country since the 1970s. The vision of WCS PNG is: “Gutpela sindaun, gutpela solwara, gutpela bus”, which translates to, “Empowered people with healthy forests and seas”.

This report is an annual update for the year 2018, documenting the highlights from the discovery science, conservation initiatives, outreach and capacity building programs and growing partnerships, which are measured against the WCS Melanesia 2020 Strategy.

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Data and Resources

Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-02-15
DCAT Type Text
Source https://png.wcs.org/
Publisher Name PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
Contact Point
  • Wildlife Conservation Society
