Population Raster Vanuatu 2020 Data Input: HH locations from 2016 PHC conducted using Survey Solutions CAPI. Year Population Growth Rate of 2.3% has been applied to update population up to 2020 HH locations vector layer has been transformed into a 100m resolution raster. This is a demo version, SDD is still evaluating the methodology but given the COVID outbreak the dataset has been early released. CRS EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 - Geographic Extent 166.5491629999999930,-20.2492370000000008 : 170.2381629999999859,-13.1142369999999993 Unit degrees Width 3689 Height 7135 Data type Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point GDAL Driver Description GTiff GDAL Driver Metadata GeoTIFF Compression LZW Band 1 STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=495 STATISTICS_MEAN=15.759535742548 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=1 STATISTICS_STDDEV=21.824979812047 More information AREA_OR_POINT=Area Dimensions X: 3689 Y: 7135 Bands: 1 Origin 166.549,-13.1142 Pixel Size 0.0009999999999999980693,-0.00100000000000000023