Status of the Coral Reefs in Australia and Papua New Guinea 2008

Date modified: 11 February 2022

The corals reefs of Australia and Papua New Guinea cover 19% of the world’s total reef area and contain levels of biological diversity approaching the ‘hot spots’ of the Philippines and Indonesia; Human pressures on these reefs are lower than in other parts of the world (particularly SE Asia). The reefs of eastern Australia, particularly the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), have a long history of research and monitoring and world leading management; Most coral reef management is implemented through Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) while fisheries resources are managed through specific fisheries management arrangements. Australian reefs are usually managed through cooperative arrangements between state and national governments, while management arrangements in PNG are predominantly driven by efforts of NGOs, local communities and local governments.

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Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-02-11
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
Contact Point
  • Paul Anderson