Vanuatu Exclusive Economic Zone (200 Nautical Miles)

Date modified: 11 May 2022 Version 3

The Republic of Vanuatu Maritime Zones Act No 6 of 2010 states that an exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Vanuatu is established beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea of Vanuatu. It goes on to say that:

(a) the exclusive economic zone boundaries with other States is to be effected by agreement on the basis of international law as referred to in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, in order to achieve an equitable solution; or

(b) if there is any dispute between Vanuatu and another State concerning the delimitation of the boundaries of the exclusive economic zone of Vanuatu and such other State, the dispute is to be resolved by an agreement; or

(c) if, however, the dispute cannot be resolved by an agreement under paragraph (3)(b), the dispute is to be resolved by: (i) the Conciliation procedures under Part XV of the Convention; or (ii) by any other procedure authorized by international law

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Issued 2021-07-30
Modified 2022-05-11
Version 3
Language English
DCAT Type Dataset
Publisher Name The Pacific Community (SPC)
Contact Point
  • Malakai Vakautawale