5m DEM, land, Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, based on 30 m FABDEM and 1m LiDAR DEM

Date modified: 24 July 2024

This 5m Digital Terrain Model (DEM) was completed as part of the PARTneR 2 project. This project generated 5m DEMs for the Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. This dataset covers the atoll of Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands.

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Data and Resources

Identifier b3eaf365-322d-4ea2-aa2e-0a5f06ee3bb7
Issued 2024-06-30
Modified 2024-07-24
Language English
DCAT Type Dataset
Source https://nexus.pacificdata.org/catalogue/#/dataset/1275
Temporal Coverage From 2011-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2019-06-28
Contact Point
  • Earth and Oceans Observations Team Pacific Community
