Datasets SPREP Public License XLS

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5 datasets found

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Strandings of Oceania Database

    Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Dataset

    The Strandings of Oceania database is a collaborative project between SPREP, WildMe and the South Pacific Whale Research Consortium to record stranding and beachcast data for whales,...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Niuafo'ou Rainfall data

    Tonga Environment Data Portal Dataset

    raw rainfall data collected in 2016

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Rainfall data Marshall Islands

    Republic of Marshall Islands Environment Data Portal Dataset

    Historical rainfall data from the Climate Change Knowledge Portal, World Bank Group (Website:...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    plastic bag ban policy

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Dataset

    Policies for plastic bag ban in Papua New Guinea

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    CITES Species List

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Dataset

    The List of Fauna and Flora that are protected for Trade Internationally