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558 datasets found

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Pasin Bilong Lukautim Pikinini Gut or Parenting for Child Development

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    The findings of research are clear that reducing children’s exposure to family violence has significant benefits for their development and has the potential to break the cycle of family...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Gender Smart Safety Resources

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    The Papua New Guinea Business Coalition for Women, with support from the International Finance Corporation, works with members to develop and adopt policies and practices that encourage...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Independent, Educated Voters in Bougainville

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    The Bougainville Women’s Federation and International Women’s Development Agency are implementing the Voter Education Project to provide education on voting rights and responsibilities....

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Empowering Women Starts within the Family

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Research on the interconnectedness of women’s economic empowerment and their decision making and safety in the family is informing programming to improve women’s livelihoods.

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Pacific Girls Shaping Pacific Development

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    A new Pacific Women program focuses attention and resources on adolescents. Pacific Girl planning activities in 2017–2018 have ensured that girls and young women will shape the final...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Do No Harm Toolkit

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) has produced a toolkit that enables organisations to apply learning from the Do No Harm research to their project design, implementation...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Value for Money for Support for Women in the Coffee Industry

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Coffee is a major source of farming income in Papua New Guinea. CARE’s Coffee Industry Support Project is improving outcomes for women in the industry. Farmers’ income has increased as a...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Campaigning for Change

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    The Women in Leadership Support Program has been working with women intending to contest the 2017 and 2022 national general elections and the 2018 local-level government election in Papua...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Supporting Government to End Sorcery Accusation - Related Violence

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    The Government of Papua New Guinea has adopted a holistic multiple partner approach to ending violence that occurs in response to sorcery accusations through the 2015 Sorcery and...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Using Family Based Models to Enhance Women’s Agency

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    A number of projects funded by Pacific Women are using innovative, family-based approaches to help communities and families make decisions about issues such as family size, financial...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Pacific Models of Male Advocacy Working to End Violence Against Women

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Pacific Women supports a range of activities that enable male advocates to be agents of change to end violence against women in communities across Pacific Island countries. The Male...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Making Informed Decisions as a Voter

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Women’s leadership and decision making was promoted through the 20-month Voter Education Project in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. Voters were provided with information and skills...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Safe and Secure at Work

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    The right to be safe cannot be measured by money. But making the business case demonstrates that ensuring women workers stay free from harm has financial as well as wellbeing benefits.

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Starting or Growing a Business? How a Women’s Business Resource Centre Can Help

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    The WBRC is an entrepreneurial hub assisting women to establish and strengthen their businesses, based in Papua New Guinea’s capital of Port Moresby. Since it was established by the...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Helping Duty Bearers to Uphold Their Responsibilities

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Duty bearers are some of the many being supported by Pacific Women partners to better serve women and children. Across countries, partners are addressing social norms that may act as a...

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    South-South Exchanges

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Family support and crisis centres across the Pacific continue to assist each other to improve levels of expertise and service to support survivors of family and sexual violence.

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    Community Overcomes Birthing Taboos In Remote District

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Strict taboos were once forcing women in the remote Lufa District of Papua New Guinea to give birth in their outdoor gardens rather than the nearby health facility. This has changed, with...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    A Pacific Girl Program by Pacific Girls

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Pacific Girl is Pacific Women’s dedicated, multi-country program to support adolescent girls to reach their full potential. It addresses priority issues identified through consultations...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Involving the Whole family to Ensure Women’s Economic Empowerment

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Two agricultural projects in Papua New Guinea are taking a family-based approach to improve gender equality. The projects are demonstrating how working with women and men farmers in their...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Safe Working Conditions Make Markets a Happy, Healthy Place

    Pacific Women Lead Publications

    Between 75–90 per cent of all market vendors in the Pacific region are women. The hours are long, and vendors often travel from rural areas to sell their products to a larger market....