Learning about climate change the Pacific way: a visual guide - Kiribati
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). 2014. Learning about climate change the Pacific way: a visual guide - Kiribati....
Goat & sheep farming in the Pacific: climate change affecting goat and sheep production in the Pacific is a reality: let us be prepared
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 2013. Goat & sheep farming in the Pacific: climate change affecting goat and sheep production in the Pacific is a reality: let us be prepared....
The Pacific Community (SPC) and climate change: building resilient communities in the Pacific
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2019. The Pacific Community (SPC) and climate change: building resilient communities in the Pacific. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community (SPC). 2 p.
Adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the agriculture and forestry sector: collection of best practices
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit. 2010. Adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the agriculture and forestry sector:...
Learning about climate change the Pacific way: a visual guide - Tuvalu
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). 2014. Learning about climate change the Pacific way: a visual guide - Tuvalu. Noumea,...
Waste and waste water management initiatives in Ra Province: diagnosis and action plan
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2016. Waste and waste water management initiatives in Ra Province: diagnosis and action plan. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 33 p.
Perspectives technico-économiques " accompagnement des pratiques agricoles durables " - Domaine de 'Opunohu, Moorea, Polynésie française
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Binet T., Diazabakana A. 2017. Perspectives technico-économiques " accompagnement des pratiques agricoles durables " - Domaine de 'Opunohu, Moorea, Polynésie française. Noumea, New...
Diagnostic synthetique Etat intermediaire du site de Mangareva
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. Diagnostic synthetique Etat intermediaire du site de Mangareva. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 37 p.
Climate adaptation through forestry, Pele Island, Vanuatu
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2013. Climate adaptation through forestry, Pele Island, Vanuatu. Suva, Fiji: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 2 p.
Bee farming in the Pacific: climate change affecting honey production in the Pacific is a reality: let us be prepared
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2013. Bee farming in the Pacific: climate change affecting honey production in the Pacific is a reality: let us be prepared. Suva, Fiji: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 4 leaves
Rétrospective !
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Rétrospective !. / Protege - ATERPECHE. [Atelier technique régional de capitalisation PROTEGE sur les pêches côtières 20 au 24 novembre 2023 - Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie]. Noumea, New...
Adaptation to climate change through the improvement of honey bee husbandry, Pele Island, Vanuatu
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2015. Adaptation to climate change through the improvement of honey bee husbandry, Pele Island, Vanuatu. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 1 p.
Mangrove restoration: an overview of the benefits and costs of restoration
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Greenhalgh S., Booth P., Walsh P., Korovulavula I., Copeland L. 2018. Mangrove restoration: an overview of the benefits and costs of restoration. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 24 p.
Coping with climate change in the Pacific Island region
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 2013. Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region . Suva, Fiji: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. [4 p.]
Pou and Miri learn to tackle climate change
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Sansom D., Fung, Christine, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit 2011. Pou and Miri learn to tackle climate change. Suva, Fiji:...
Verdissement de la fiscalité et des subventions publiques du secteur primaire en Polynésie française : phase 2 - pistes de réformes
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Nastasia Keurmeur, Charles Egretaud, Thomas Binet. 2019. Verdissement de la fiscalité et des subventions publiques du secteur primaire en Polynésie française : phase 2 - pistes de...
Gestion des mouillages à 'Opunohu/Moorea et aux Gambier : Diagnostic et propositions d'action
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Seguin F., Mouchel A., Sanquer A., Guillet J. 2016. Gestion des mouillages à 'Opunohu/Moorea et aux Gambier : Diagnostic et propositions d'action. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific...
Kadavu integrated coastal management plan, Fiji 2017-2022
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2018. Kadavu integrated coastal management plan, Fiji 2017-2022. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 32 p.
Observatoires des Pêches Côtières (OPC)
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Observatoires des Pêches Côtières (OPC). / PROTEGE- ATERPECHE. [Atelier technique régional de capitalisation PROTEGE sur les pêches côtières 20 au 24 novembre 2023 - Nouméa, Nouvelle-...
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
ATERPECHE - Program / PROTEGE. ARTEPECHE [Atelier technique régional de capitalisation sur les pêches côtières]. Du 20 au 24 novembre 2023 - Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie]. Noumea, New...