Learning about climate change the Pacific way: a guide for Pacific teachers - Tuvalu
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). 2013. Learning about climate change the Pacific way: a guide for Pacific teachers -...
Gestion des pêches
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Gestion des pêches. / PROTEGE - ATERPECHE. [Atelier technique régional de capitalisation PROTEGE sur les pêches côtières 20 au 24 novembre 2023 - Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie]. Noumea, New...
Comment s'adapter aux impacts du changement climatique sur le littoral?
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Comment s'adapter aux impacts du changement climatique sur le littoral?. [Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community]. 46 p.
Les défis de l'adaptation au changement climatique dans le petites îles tropicales
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Les défis de l'adaptation au changement climatique dans le petites îles tropicales. / PROTEGE - ATERPECHE. [Atelier technique régional de capitalisation PROTEGE sur les pêches côtières 20...
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission, European Union. 2006. Tsunami. [Suva, Fiji]: SOPAC. [2 p.]
Pou and Miri learn about climate change and growing food crops
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Sansom, Don 2012. Pou and Miri learn about climate change and growing food crops. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community (SPC). 27 p.
Forests & climate change
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2004. Forests & climate change. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 2 p.
Cattle farming in the Pacific: climate change affecting cattle production in the Pacific is a reality: let us be prepared
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 2013. Cattle farming in the Pacific: climate change affecting cattle production in the Pacific is a reality: let us be prepared. Suva, Fiji:...
Contexte de la pêche côtière des PTOM & tour d'horizon des actions PROTEGE - NC
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Contexte de la pêche côtière des PTOM & tour d'horizon des actions PROTEGE - NC. / PROTEGE - ATERPECHE. [Atelier technique régional de capitalisation PROTEGE sur les pêches côtières...
Appui à la mise en place du processus de révision du PGEM de Moorea.
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Narcy, J.-B., Herrenschmidt, J.-B. 2014. Appui à la mise en place du processus de révision du PGEM de Moorea. Note de restitution de l’atelier de préparation (20-24 octobre 2014). Noumea,...
Final project report: Ra and Kadavu provinces, Fiji
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Final project report: Ra and Kadavu provinces, Fiji. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 115 p.
Les récifs coralliens et les herbiers marins sont des écosystèmes fragiles et d'une importance majeure en Nouvelle-Calédonie
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Pacific Community. 2020. Les récifs coralliens et les herbiers marins sont des écosystèmes fragiles et d'une importance majeure en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie:...
Establishment and maintenance of protected areas in Kadavu Province - Diagnosis and action plan
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Korovulavula I. 2016. Establishment and maintenance of protected areas in Kadavu Province - Diagnosis and action plan.
Freshwater tabus and protected areas: an overview of benefits and costs of implementation for practitioners
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Greenhalgh S., Booth P., Walsh P., Korovulavula I., Copeland L. 2018. Freshwater tabus and protected areas: an overview of benefits and costs of implementation for practitioners. Suva,...
Agriculture & climate change in the Pacific Island Region
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2017. Agriculture & climate change in the Pacific Island Region. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 2 p.
Bilan des sessions du mardi : holothuries - collecte de données biologiques et évaluation de stocks changement climatique
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Bilan des sessions du mardi : holothuries - collecte de données biologiques et évaluation de stocks changement climatique. / PROTEGE - ATERPECHE. [Atelier technique régional de...
Climate adapted livestock and integrating farming systems,Pele Island, Vanuatu
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Anon. 2013. Climate adapted livestock and integrating farming systems, Pele Island, Vanuatu [electronic resource]. [Vanuatu]: Government of Vanuatu. 2 p
Policy Brief on Lessons Learnt from the Climate Change Finance Tracking Prototype for Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Policy Brief on Lessons Learnt from the Climate Change Finance Tracking Prototype for Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community (SPC). 16 p.
SPC/GIZ Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region: enhanced food security and alternative income opportunities through solar fruit drying on Pele Island, Vanuatu
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
SPC/GIZ Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region: enhanced food security and alternative income opportunities through solar fruit drying on Pele Island, Vanuatu. Noumea,...
Wind power in Tonga
SPC Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) Publications
Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Tonga. 2013. Wind power in Tonga. Suva, Fiji: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. [4 p.]