Not all sponges will thrive in a high-CO2 ocean: review of the mineralogy of calcifying sponges
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
Most marine sponges precipitate silicate skeletal elements, and it has been predicted that they would be among the few “winners” among invertebrates in an acidifying, high-CO2 ocean. But...
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
The economy and population in Taiwan grew rapidly in the 20th century, during which time little attention was paid to marine environmental protection. Discharges of heavy metals, BOD,...
Effects of climate change on Canada's Pacific marine ecosystems: a summary of scientific knowledge
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
The marine life of Canada's Pacific marine ecosystems, adjacent to the province of British Columbia, may be relatively responsive to rapid oceanographic and environmental change...
Using expert judgment to estimate marine ecosystem vulnerability in the California Current
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
As resource management and conservation efforts move toward multi-sector, ecosystem-based approaches, we need methods for comparing the varying responses of ecosystems to the impacts of...