Samoa country report : profiles and results from survey work at Manono-Uta, Salelavalu, Vailoa and Vaisala (june 2005 and August/September 2005)
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Vunisea A., Friedman K.J., Awira R., Kronen M., Pinca S., Chapman L.B., Magron F., Sauni S., Pakoa K., Lasi F. 2008. Samoa country report : profiles and results from survey work at...
Problématiques du genre dans les sciences et la gestion de la pêche côtière et hauturière en Océanie : études de cas aux Îles Salomon, aux Îles Marshall et aux Tonga
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Tuara P., Passfield K. 2012. Problématiques du genre dans les sciences et la gestion de la pêche côtière et hauturière en Océanie : études de cas aux Îles Salomon, aux Îles Marshall et...
Appraisal, assessment and monitoring of small-scale coastal fisheries in the South Pacific region
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Munro J.L., Fakahau S.T. 1993. p.15-53. In: Wright A., Hills L. (eds). Nearshore marine resources of the South Pacific. Honiara / Suva: Forum Fisheries Agency / Institute of Pacific Studies.
Overview of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries, 2002
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Williams, P.G. 2003. Overview of the western and central Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries, 2002 [GEN-1]. Noumea, New Caledonia: SPC, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Standing Committee...
A new song for coastal fisheries pathways to change: the Noumea strategy
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Pacific Community. 2015. A new song for coastal fisheries pathways to change: the Noumea strategy. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. 28 p.
National Tuna Fisheries Report of Fiji as of 1999
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Tuwai I. 2000. National Tuna Fisheries Report of Fiji as of 1999 [nfr_fiji]. Noumea, New Caledonia: SPC, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish,...
Linking global certification schemes and local practices in fisheries and aquaculture
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Bush S.R., Oosterveer P. 2012. Linking global certification schemes and local practices in fisheries and aquaculture. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information...
Cook Islands country report: profiles and results from survey work at Aitutaki, Palmerston, Mangaia and Rarotonga (February and October 2007)
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Pinca S., Boblin P., Friedman K.J., Kronen M., Magron F., Awira R., Pakoa K., Lasi F., Tardy E., Chapman L.B. 2009. Cook Islands country report: profiles and results from survey work at...
La pêche industrielle de la crevette dans le golfe de Papouasie : recherche et gestion
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Evans C.R., Opnai L.J., Kare B.D. 1995. La pêche industrielle de la crevette dans le golfe de Papouasie : recherche et gestion [Doc. réf. 28]. Noumea, New Caledonia: South Pacific...
Seaweed quality manual, Solomon Islands. A practical guide for seaweed farmers, buying agents, fisheries officers and exporters [updated and expanded version - 2013].
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Tiroba G. 2013. Seaweed quality manual, Solomon Islands. A practical guide for seaweed farmers, buying agents, fisheries officers and exporters [updated and expanded version - 2013]....
The Ecosystem Approach to Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. Part 1, A review of the current status - Part 2, Principles and approaches for strategic implementation
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Preston G.L. c2009. The Ecosystem Approach to Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. Part 1, A review of the current status - Part 2, Principles...
Appraising the resilience of trochus and other nearshore artisanal fisheries in the Western Pacific
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Foale S. 2008. Appraising the resilience of trochus and other nearshore artisanal fisheries in the Western Pacific. SPC Trochus Information Bulletin 14:12-15.
Lessons learned - A review of successes and failures in tuna fisheries development in the Pacific islands: May 2008
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Philipson P.W. 2008. Lessons learned - A review of successes and failures in tuna fisheries development in the Pacific islands: May 2008. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific...
Marshall Islands country report: profiles and results from survey work at Likiep, Ailuk, Arno and Laura (August and September 2007)
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Pinca S., Tardy E., Awira R., Pakoa K., Boblin P., Friedman K.J., Vunisea A., Lasi F., Magron F., Chapman L.B., Kronen M. 2009. Marshall Islands country report: profiles and results from...
Processed form of blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by Japanese longline fisheries with the estimation of conversion factor from processed weight to round weight
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Semba Y., Okamoto H., Shiozaki K., Fujinami Y. 2015. Processed form of blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by Japanese longline fisheries with the estimation of conversion factor from...
Modifications des ressources des récifs coralliens aux Samoas Americaines : le point de vue des populations locales
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Tuilagi F., Green A. 1995. Modifications des ressources des récifs coralliens aux Samoas Americaines : le point de vue des populations locales [Doc. réf. 22]. Noumea, New Caledonia: South...
The ecosystem approach to coastal fisheries and aquaculture in Pacific Island countries and territories [Booklet version]
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Preston G.L. 2009. The ecosystem approach to coastal fisheries and aquaculture in Pacific Island countries and territories [Booklet version]. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the...
Standardized CPUE of Central and Western Pacific Bigeye Tuna From Taiwanese Tuna Longline Fisheries
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Sun C., Yeh S. 1998. Standardized CPUE of Central and Western Pacific Bigeye Tuna From Taiwanese Tuna Longline Fisheries [WP 20]. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific...
Oceanographic characterisation of the Pacific Ocean and the potential impact of climate variability on tuna stocks and tuna fisheries
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Nicol S., Menkes C., Jurado-Molina J., Lehodey P., Usu T., Kumasi B., Muller B., Bell J., Tremblay-Boyer L., Briand K. 2015. Oceanographic characterisation of the Pacific Ocean and the...
French Polynesia country report : profiles and results from survey work at Fakarava, Maatea, Mataiea, Raivavae and Tikehau
SPC Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems division (FAME) Publications
Kronen M., Friedman K.J., Pinca S., Chapman L.B., Awira R., Awira R., Pakoa K., Vigliola L., Boblin P., Magron F. 2009. French Polynesia country report : profiles and results from survey...