Papua New Guinea Environment Constraints Map

Date modified: 11 February 2022

Background 1995: The environment constraints map was produced by CSIRO and added as extra layer under the PNGRIS Project after much discussion and debate to address the issue of forest and environment sustainability. Other layers such water control districts, national parks, wildlife management areas and conservation needs assessment were used as flagged as part of the environmental planning and approval process. 1996-1998: Forest Department now known as PNG Forestry Authority (PNGFA) revised these layer into two main categories namely serious and extreme limitations. These two separate layers can be seen in the Forest Inventory Mapping (FIM) System. 1999-2008: Biodiversity Priority Areas, EcoRegions and other relevant layers and databases (PNGSIMS and PNGInfo) have been produced to assist with environment sustainability and economic growth. This effort is still ongoing. 2008-2009: Environment constraints map been re-produced to assist with environment impact assessment process within DEC. Other public domain layers will be forthcoming in the next update.

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Data and Resources

Issued 2021-07-19
Modified 2022-02-11
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
Contact Point
  • Gerard P Natera