Population Raster Palau 2020 Data Input: Household locations from 2015 Household listing and population at Enumeation Area level extracted from 2015 Population and Housing Census conducted by Palau's Bureau of Budget & Planning Year Population Growth Rate of 0.6 % has been applied to update population up to 2020 Household locations vector layer transformed into a 100m resolution raster. This is a demo version, SDD is still evaluating the methodology but given the COVID outbreak the dataset was early released. CRS EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 - Geographic Extent 130.5060880383668120,2.8918957623029655 : 135.3770880383668214,8.1958957623029658 Unit degrees Width 4871 Height 5304 Data type Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point GDAL Driver Description GTiff GDAL Driver Metadata GeoTIFF Compression LZW Band 1 STATISTICS_MAXIMUM=192 STATISTICS_MEAN=16.49138712602 STATISTICS_MINIMUM=0 STATISTICS_STDDEV=20.756335664459 More information AREA_OR_POINT=Area Dimensions X: 4871 Y: 5304 Bands: 1 Origin 130.506,8.1959 Pixel Size 0.001000000000000001972,-0.001000000000000000021