Baseline Methodologies for Clean Development Mechanism Projects: A Guidebook

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This guidebook is produced by the UNEP Risø Center (URC), Denmark, as a part of the project titled Capacity Development for the CDM (CD4CDM), which is being implemented by URC for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands. The guidebook takes the reader through basic concepts, the processes of developing baseline and baseline methodology, and approval of new baseline methodologies. It presents indicative methodologies for small scale CDM projects and examples of approved methodologies for project specific baselines. Furthermore, it describes the process of developing baseline for land use and land use change (LULUCF) CDM projects.  This guidebook is aimed to  assist project developers in establishing baselines for CDM projects following guidelines based on relevant decisions of Conference of Parties (COP) and CDM Executive Board (CDM-EB) as well as other sources.

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2022-02-15T03:45:40.348409
Modified 2022-02-15 03:45:40.327321
DCAT Type Text
Source UNEP
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  • Ram M. Shrestha, Sudhir Sharma, Govinda R Timilsina, S. Kumar