Coastal flood maps_ Samoa_ ARI100_ SLR 0.0

Date modified: 30 June 2024

Coastal flood models for Samoa, showing flood depth in meters, for ARI100 (Average Recurrence Interval of 100 years, i.e. of a flood of such magnitude that it is projected to occur or be exceeded every 100 years), with 0.0 m Sea Level Rise (SLR). The flood models are modelled based on a modified 5m DEM created by NIWA and SPC as part of the PARTneR 2 project, available on Nexus. Currently, only ARI100 with 0m, 0.5m, 1m, and 1.5m SLR is available on Nexus for Cook Islands, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. However, for all 6 countries, the models available are MHWS, ARI5, ARI10, ARI50, ARI100, ARI250 for 0 to 2m SLR in 0.1m increments. Please contact the NIWA or SPC contact for more information or access to these extra models. These models were created using a bathtub modelling approach, so may have limited accuracy and for smaller areas of interest, hydrodynamic models should be used for decision making.

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Data and Resources

Identifier f91b6759-2271-4afb-9fe4-d0d404c428a4
Issued 2024-02-21
Modified 2024-06-30
Language English
DCAT Type Dataset
Temporal Coverage From 2023-09-01
Temporal Coverage To 2023-09-01
Contact Point
  • Earth and Oceans Observations Team Pacific Community