Priority Invasive Species in Tafea Province, Vanuatu

Date modified: 09 May 2022

Data collected by Late Silverio Bule, Chris Bulerop and Norma Tor, on the listed priority invasive species from the southern Islands of Vanuatu, Tanna and Anietyum. a project funded by GEF Pacific Alliance for Sustainability (PAS) Invasive Alien species ( IAS) project used to be coordinated by Lilly Fatal with SPREP. GEF funded regional project on invasive species. Thank you to GBIF and the BID programme for their support in mobilizing this dataset Publication of this dataset was funded by the European Union

Data and Resources

Alternate Identifier
  • 10.15468/or83cq
Language English
DCAT Type Dataset
Temporal Coverage From 2016-07-22
Temporal Coverage To 2016-08-16
Contact Point
  • Individual

    Mimosa Bethel

  • Organisation

    Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation