Energy Sector Market Opportunities for the Clean Development Mechanism in the Pacific

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This report was prepared by SMEC (Michael Wiener). The key objective of this project was to provide an independent assessment of the potential scale of the emmission reduction market from the energy sector projects developed in the Pacific. Due to magnitude and complexity of this topic, providing an assessment of all potential energy sector Clean Development Mechanicm (CDM) opportunities within the Pacific as a whole was not possible. The assement focussed on Fiji and Samoa due to its economy size and scale of economies throughout the Pacific Island countries. Also, the Renewable Energy generation oppurtunities. The report has Eight(8)Sections; Section 1 and 2 provides brief and overview of the CDM adminstrative processes and the development cycle. Section 3 - the electricity supply sector and essential CDM infrastructure in Fiji and Samoa. Section4 - Regional sustainable energy intiatives implemented by multilateral organisations. Section 5 & 6- Renewable Energy indentified, currently under development and opportunities in Fiji and Samoa  Section 7 - Barriers and limitation to the development of CDM projects and suggest options for their mitigation Section 8 - Conclusion of the studies.

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T06:49:40.564676
Modified 2022-02-15 03:37:16.690067
DCAT Type Text
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  • Michael Wiener