The Status of Pacific Education 2020 | A sector analysis based on internationally comparable statistics

Date modified: 06 September 2024

This report is the first comprehensive report of a planned series of The status of Pacific education reports to be produced annually by SPC EQAP as part of their monitoring of the Pacific Regional Education Framework (PacREF) 2018–2030: Moving Towards Education 2030.

The status of Pacific education report is primarily designed to provide the Pacific region’s education ministers, their senior executives and policy and planning directors, and development partners with regular overviews of progress as it relates to education in the region alongside emerging issues and challenges that are common to most, if not all, PICTs.

Data and Resources

Licence not-specified
Issued 2021
Modified 2024-09-06
DCAT Type Text
Author SPC - Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP)