Year 9 Consultation Report

Date modified: 06 September 2024

The statistical analysis reveals a notable decline in the overall success rate of Year 9 students following their reassignment from Motufoua Secondary School to Primary Schools in 2016, with pass rates persistently below 50% from 2016 to 2018. This decline is attributed to a lack of adequately qualified educators in specialized subjects, such as Commercial Studies, Agriculture Science, Basic Technology, and Home Economics, as well as insufficient educational resources and limited learning spaces. The consultation aims to engage all key stakeholders involved in the Year 9 educational program to gather diverse perspectives and insights, ensuring informed decision-making by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports in the best interests of Tuvalu's future generations.

Data and Resources

Licence not-specified
Issued 2019
Modified 2024-09-06
DCAT Type Text
Author Ale Kuea Ioane, Christopher Fanoanoaga, Tehoa Telulu, Vaelei Pouniu, Elisaia Teafiula