Federated States of Micronesia Wind Data

Date modified: 15 February 2022

A limited wind resource assessment has been carried out in Yap and sufficiently high wind areas have been located on the main island that may allow cost effective power generation. Detailed assessments were planned for 2013 at two high-wind sites, one close to Colonia, Yap, and the other at Tonowas, in Chuuk. The resource in these areas is seasonal and, based on weather measurements, appears modest, but there may be areas of sufficient wind to support a cost-effective installation. Source: IRENA Country Lighthouse Report. Wind analysis and monitoring systems have been installed in Yap (under a TA from ADB) and in Chuuk (under the North REP project) and are currently gathering wind data for a period of one year. Source: Climate Investment Funds

Data and Resources


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Alternate Identifier 4906
Issued 2022-02-15T04:39:25.012505
Modified 2022-02-15T15:39:24.951810
DCAT Type Text