The expected economic impact due to natural hazards is illustrated through an average annual loss (AAL) map, which indicates the estimated economic losses averaged over the 10,000 realizations of next-year activity. Economic loss is defined as the total direct ground-up losses, i.e., the cost needed to repair or replace damaged assets. Three types of assets were considered: (1) buildings (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial, and public buildings) - (2) major infrastructure (airports, ports, power plants, bridges, dams, etc.) - and (3) valuable crops (sugarcane, taro, rice, banana, etc.). Two types of natural events were explicitly considered in this risk analysis: earthquakes (inducing both ground shaking and tsunami waves) and tropical cyclones (inducing wind, precipitation/flood, and coastal flooding due to surge of the sea level). The resolution is taken at a specified administration boundary for each country. Compiled by AIR Worldwide.
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