
Date modified: 30 June 2024

The expected economic impact due to natural hazards is illustrated through an average annual loss (AAL) map, which indicates the estimated economic losses averaged over the 10,000 realizations of next-year activity. Economic loss is defined as the total direct ground-up losses, i.e., the cost needed to repair or replace damaged assets. Three types of assets were considered: (1) buildings (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial, and public buildings) - (2) major infrastructure (airports, ports, power plants, bridges, dams, etc.) - and (3) valuable crops (sugarcane, taro, rice, banana, etc.). Two types of natural events were explicitly considered in this risk analysis: earthquakes (inducing both ground shaking and tsunami waves) and tropical cyclones (inducing wind, precipitation/flood, and coastal flooding due to surge of the sea level). The resolution is taken at a specified administration boundary for each country. Compiled by AIR Worldwide.

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Identifier 5f94396a-b10b-416c-b9f6-79163486f913
Issued 2020-02-03
Modified 2024-06-30
Language English
DCAT Type Text
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