Modern Energy For A Tradititonal Society: Applying a Community Driven Model in Vanuatu

Date modified: 15 February 2022

UNDP report on towards an 'Energy Plus' approach for the poor. A review of the good practices and lessons learned from Asia and the Pacific. Case Study 17 on Environment and Energy. Vanuatu's Community Powerhouse rural electrification model. The Community Powerhouse is a model for community-based rural electrification in Vanuatu. The model is being developed and implemented, in collaboration with local communities, by the Vanuatu Renewable Energy and Power Association (VANREPA) in response to locally identified needs for rural energy services. The Community Powerhouse focuses on targeted application of technology within a community-ownership framework. This model treats electrification as a social and cultural issue, and thus emphasizes organizational and capacity development as a path to long-term management of local energy needs.

keywords: VANREPA, rural electrification, community, model, Futuna, Aneityum,  wind, solar, renewable energy

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Issued 2020-04-06T06:55:08.476435
Modified 2022-02-15 03:40:31.158269
DCAT Type Text
Source United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
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  • UNDP