Recommendations towards the establishment of best practice standards for handling and intracoelomic implantation of data-storage and telemetry tags in tropical tunas.

Date modified: 31 March 2023

Leroy B., Phillips J.S., Potts J., Brill R.W., Evans K., Forget F., Holland K., Itano D., Muir J., Pilling G., Nicol S. 2023. Recommendations towards the establishment of best practice standards for handling and intracoelomic implantation of data-storage and telemetry tags in tropical tunas. Animal Biotelemetry 11.

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Issued 2023
Modified 2023-03-31
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name BioMed Central Ltd
Contact Point
  • Leroy B., Phillips J.S., Potts J., Brill R.W., Evans K., Forget F., Holland K., Itano D., Muir J., Pilling G., Nicol S.