An ocean observation system for monitoring the affects of climate change on the ecology and sustainability of pelagic fisheries in the Pacific Ocean

Date modified: 28 April 2020

Nicol S. J., Allain V., Pilling G. M., Polovina J., Coll M., Bell J., Dalzell P., Sharples P., Olson R., Griffiths S., Dambacher J. M., Young J., Lewis A., Hampton J., Jurado M. J., Hoyle S., Briand K., Bax N., Lehodey P., Williams P. 2013 An ocean observation system for monitoring the affects of climate change on the ecology and sustainability of pelagic fisheries in the Pacific Ocean. Climatic Change. Vol 119. Issue 1. pp 131-145. doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0598-y

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Issued 2013
Modified 2020-04-28
Language English
DCAT Type Text
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  • Nicol S. J., Allain V., Pilling G. M., Polovina J., Coll M., Bell J., Dalzell P., Sharples P., Olson R., Griffiths S., Dambacher J. M., Young J., Lewis A., Hampton J., Jurado M. J., Hoyle S., Briand K., Bax N., Lehodey P., Williams P.