Low occurrence rates of ubiquitously present leptocephalus larvae in the stomach contents of predatory fish

Date modified: 28 April 2020

Miller M. J., Dubosc J., Vourey E., Tsukamoto K., Allain V. 2015 Low occurrence rates of ubiquitously present leptocephalus larvae in the stomach contents of predatory fish. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil. Vol 72. Issue 5. pp 1359-1369. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv034

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  • http://icesjms.oxfordjournals.org/content/72/5/1359
  • oai:www.spc.int:6fbae239-01e4-4c15-9191-d2973c808577
Issued 2015
Modified 2020-04-28
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • Miller M. J., Dubosc J., Vourey E., Tsukamoto K., Allain V.