Hobbyists' preferences for marine ornamental fish: A discrete choice analysis of ecolabeling and selected product attributes

Date modified: 20 August 2015

Alencastro L.A., Degner R.L., Larkin S.L. 2005. Hobbyists' preferences for marine ornamental fish: A discrete choice analysis of ecolabeling and selected product attributes. SPC Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin 15:19-22.

Data and Resources

  • https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/pu5wp
  • oai:www.spc.int:8af9eda5-989e-42bb-a746-e7cce96973e0
Issued 2005
Modified 2015-08-20
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • Alencastro L.A., Degner R.L., Larkin S.L.