Snap 35, July 2005; launch of research report: the economic impact of natural disaster on development in the Pacific; disaster management trainaing for Tonga; joint EMA/SOPAC visit to Kiribati and Nauru; Samoa hosts national disaster management workshops

Date modified: 11 August 2022

Duaibe K. 2005. Snap 35, July 2005; launch of research report: the economic impact of natural disaster on development in the Pacific; disaster management trainaing for Tonga; joint EMA/SOPAC visit to Kiribati and Nauru; Samoa hosts national disaster management workshops. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 2 p.

Data and Resources

Issued 2005
Modified 2022-08-11
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • Duaibe K.