SOPAC newsupdate #020, 5 November 2003; SOPAC's new director chosen in Niue; $12m work plan & budget for 2004 approved; Solomon Islands department of mines back on line; updating Guam geology - a labour of love; EU-SOPAC project first regional map server

Date modified: 11 August 2022

SOPAC, SOPAC Secretariat 2004. SOPAC newsupdate #020, 5 November 2003; SOPAC's new director chosen in Niue; $12m work plan & budget for 2004 approved; Solomon Islands department of mines back on line; updating Guam geology - a labour of love; EU-SOPAC project first regional map server. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 1 p.

Data and Resources

Issued 2004
Modified 2022-08-11
Language English
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point

  • SOPAC Secretariat