Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Summary Report 2016 Fiscal Year

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This report is a publication of the Pacific Power Association (PPA). The World Bank through the Sustainable Energy Industry Development Project (SEIPD) implemented by the PPA provided technical assistance and publication support. This summary report was prepared by the PPA Secretariat in collaboration with the consulting electrical Engineer funded by the SEIDP, a World Bank funded project implemented by the PPA. In the 2016 Fiscal Year, 18 utilities took part in the annual pacific power utilities benchmarking exercise. Similar to 2015, PPA through World Bank funded Sustainable Energy Industry Development Project (SEIDP) engaged services of an electrical engineer to provide assistance in vetting and the analysis of the utility data as well as preparing the 2016 Fiscal Year Benchmarking Summary Report. The 2016 Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Summary Report covers: Benchmarking overview, Governance, Gender, Data Reliability and KPI Results. Report was sourced from the PPA website: More information on this report can be obtained from Pacific Power Association Naibati House Goodenough Street Suva, Fiji Tel: +679 3306 022 Email: website: Keywords: Pacific Power Association (PPA), PPA Benchmarking Summary Report 2016

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T07:03:12.989718
Modified 2022-02-15 03:44:10.659261
DCAT Type Text
Source Pacific Power Association (PPA)
Contact Point
  • PPA Secretariat