Promoting Access to Renewable Energy in the Pacific-Draft Inception Report

Date modified: 15 February 2022

The Inception report was prepared by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).  Electricity supply in the Solomon Islands is provided to less than 20 % of the population. Almost all generation is based on imported diesel fuel. Apart from this high dependence on external supply, the country also faces challenges in the development of the energy sector, including maintaining reliability, ensuring commercial viability of the power utility SIEA and increasing access to modern energy supply. A historically poor performance of the power industry also presents a serious constraint to private sector development and economic growth. With few exceptions, electrification is confined to Honiara and the provincial centres. Outside of these centres, only about 5% of the rural population has access to electricity through a small number of off-grid and individual household systems. Keywords: Inception Report, ADB

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Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T06:54:04.710722
Modified 2022-02-15 03:39:54.425805
DCAT Type Text
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  • Asian Development Bank