Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific (Phase 2): Development of Energy Use Database - Initial Baseline Data on Energy Use

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This report was prepared by the International Institute for Energy Conservation for the Asian Development Bank.  The project is being implemented by the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) over a 3-year period starting from November 2011. This report was prepared to outline initial baseline data on energy use in the five PDMCs based on the Output 1 activities (data compilations and initial surveys)undertaken in each country from January to September 2012.

Data and Resources

Alternate Identifier
Issued 2020-04-06T06:51:16.354223
Modified 2022-02-15 03:38:13.237072
DCAT Type Text
Contact Point
  • International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC)