
Date modified: 30 June 2024

The population was compiled from available census reports and validated using other available datasets. For each country, population counts from the finest resolution was trended to 2010 using a country-specific annual growth rate assumptions. Underlying vector geometry comes from regional sources, primarily SPC. Primary Data Source(s): SOPAC, Palau Office of Planning and Statistics Secondary Data Source(s): None Geographical Resolutions Available (with count): 1. State (16) 2. Hamlet (82) Additional Comments: 1. Hamlets are represented by polygons with a certain radius. Complied by AIR Worldwide

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Data and Resources

Identifier 4a0abb74-8131-4bf9-992e-9830ca4a6b9b
Issued 2020-02-03
Modified 2024-06-30
Language English
DCAT Type Dataset
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  • admin