Communique: Fifth Pacific Women’s Ministerial Meeting

Date modified: 25 October 2013

Ministers and officials responsible for women’s ministries and departments in 19 Pacific Island countries and territories attended the Fifth Pacific Women’s Ministerial Meeting in 2013.

The overall objective of the Fifth Pacific Women’s Ministerial Meeting was to consider the outcomes and recommendations from the 12th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women and to agree on ways to effectively integrate gender equality into national and regional development agenda.

The theme of the 12th Triennial Conference – Celebrating our Progress, Shaping our World – invited critical reflection on recent progress made and the work still to be done before gender equality can be achieved in the Pacific Islands. The ministers acknowledged that achievements have been variable between and within countries and territories in the diverse areas of gender equity. The ministers called for coordinated and concerted efforts to accelerate progress in achieving gender equality.

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Issued 2021-12-21T21:44:15.520561
Modified 2013-10-25
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Fifth Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Women