Pacific Women Women’s Economic Empowerment Synthesis Report

Date modified: 2017

This report on women’s economic empowerment aims to: guide future investments; prioritise approaches and activities; and provide a transparent and strategic framework for Pacific Women funding decisions. Key issues and recommendations from this report will be reflected in a single Roadmap Synthesis report – recognising the intersection between women’s economic empowerment, ending violence against women, and women in leadership. Specifically focused on women’s economic empowerment, this report has been informed by review of key research and available documentation and broad-based consultations. It outlines global best practice and guidance of relevance to the Pacific region; identifies key issues, barriers and gaps in the Pacific; summarises a range of relevant initiatives, lessons and approaches to improving women in leadership and decision-making in the Pacific; and outlines options for priority areas of investment.

Data and Resources

Issued 2017
Modified 2017
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Pacific Women