Women in Politics Campaign Handbook

Date modified: 24 July 2015

This handbook was initially prepared as a resource for the Candidate Capacity Strengthening Workshop organised by the Fiji Women’s Forum in June 2014. Following the workshop, the handbook was updated to include the experiences of women candidates who attended the workshop. The aim of the Workshop was to assist women candidates to campaign effectively for the September 2014 Fiji election. The Handbook includes comments from participants at a debriefing session following the 2014 elections and candidates interviewed by a Fiji Women’s Rights Movement researcher after the election. It also includes extracts from interviews with Members of Parliament undertaken by FemLINKPACIFIC following the election. It is hoped that women candidates in future Fiji elections and those in other Pacific elections will find this Handbook a useful resource to help them develop and implement their own winning campaign strategies and plans.

Data and Resources

Issued 2021-12-21T21:16:52.960356
Modified 2015-07-24
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name
  • Leonie Morgan
  • Leslie Clark