Women in Power: Beyond Access to Influence in a Post-2015 World

Date modified: 02 October 2013

The global process under way to develop a new international development framework after the Millennium Development Goals expire in 2015 provides an opportunity to address the lack of power that women have to influence decision making compared to men. To be successful the framework needs to take into account the obstacles to gender equality; how and why these are being perpetuated; and evidence of measures that have proved successful in addressing them.

This summary document provides information to influence priorities post-2015 by discussing:

  • Why women’s participation and influence matters.

  • Barriers to and enablers of women’s participation and influence.

  • The goal, target and indicators needed to increase participation and influence.

  • Integration and data collection.

Data and Resources

Issued 2021-12-21T21:44:18.958353
Modified 2013-10-02
DCAT Type Text
Publisher Name Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)