RMI Fuel Imports 2005 - 2014

Date modified: 15 February 2022

This record holds RMI fuel imports for 2007 - 2014. Data provided by RMI Customs via Energy Planning DIvision. The RMI Customs Office don't record their import data in ASYCUDA database as compared to other PICs. Records are kept in Excel sheets and are not recorded by HS Codes. Attached here are individual year reports from the Customs Office and a summary excel sheet of all fuel imported from 2005 - 2014. Data captures imports by MOBIL, DAR, PII, but excludes MEC imports. Data is captured for gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and LPG.

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Alternate Identifier 4633
Issued 2022-02-15T04:38:17.465680
Modified 2022-02-15T15:38:17.395141
DCAT Type Text
Source RMI Customs