School locations_Tuvalu_PCRIC

Date modified: 14 July 2024

School locations in Tuvalu. Schools in all Pacific Island Countries and Territories have been included in their respective Education Management Information Systems in 2015 by the Statistics for Development Division of SPC. This data can be used for applications such as disaster mitigation and optimise emergency response and service delivery. For any potential updates to this dataset, please refer to the Pacific Data Hub (
This dataset is used in RiskScape models developed under the PARTneR-2 project. It is used to assess exposure to hazards and to provide information on the potential loss value.

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Data and Resources

Identifier 47eca929-131a-4927-b383-273c4edacaee
Issued 2024-07-10
Modified 2024-07-14
Language English
DCAT Type Dataset
Contact Point
  • Kamsin Raju