Palau PROCFish/C - Socio-Economic survey 2007

Date modified: 15 July 2020 Version 01

The Pacific Regional Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (CoFish) conducted fieldwork in four locations around Palau from April to June 2007. Palau is one of 17 Pacific Island countries and territories being surveyed over a 5–6 year period by CoFish or its associated programme PROCFish/C (the coastal component of the Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme).

The aim of the survey work was to provide baseline information on the status of reef fisheries, and to help fill the massive information gap that hinders the effective management of reef fisheries.

Other programme outputs include: • implementation of the first comprehensive multi-country comparative assessment of reef fisheries (finfish, invertebrates and socioeconomics) ever undertaken in the Pacific Islands region using identical methodologies at each site; • dissemination of country reports that comprise a set of ‘reef fisheries profiles’ for the sites in each country in order to provide information for coastal fisheries development and management planning; • development of a set of indicators (or reference points to fishery status) to provide guidance when developing local and national reef fishery management plans and monitoring programmes; and • development of data and information management systems, including regional and national databases.

Survey work in Palau covered three disciplines (finfish, invertebrate and socioeconomic) in each site, with a team of eight programme scientists and several local counterparts from the Bureau of Marine Resources, the Department of Conservation and Law Enforcement, and a seconded field officer from Conservation International in Alatau, Papua New Guinea. The fieldwork included capacity building for the local counterparts through instruction on survey methodologies in all three disciplines, including the collection of data and inputting the data into the programme’s database.

In Palau, the four sites selected for the survey were Ngarchelong, Ngatpang, Airai and Koror.

Version 01: This is the final, clean, labelled and anonymized version of the Master file.

-HOUSEHOLD: Household size and composition; Ranked sources of income and average household expenditure level; Average household consumption patterns and sources; Average number of fishers and boats per household.
-INDIVIDUAL: Education level of adult members of the household; When, how often and during which months of the year fishers go out to particulat habitats; Average catch size; Catch composition; Fishing techniques; Proportion of the catch targeted for subsistence, gift and sale, and preservation; How finfish and invertebrates are preserved; Community's fishing grounds; Management rules; Major problems relating to the use/management of the community's marine resources; Quantities by species or groups marketed; Quality and processing level of species marketed; Price in local currency/USD; Client groups; Quantitative and qualitative changes in marketing perceived over a period of time.

  • Collection start: 2007
  • Collection end: 2007
View source

Data and Resources

Licence Other (Open) [Open Data]
Identifier SPC_PLW_2007_SE-PROCFISH_v01_M_v01_A_PUF
Issued 2020-07-15
Modified 2020-07-15
Version 01
DCAT Type Text
Temporal Coverage From 2007-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2007-12-31
Publisher Name Coastal Fisheries Programme
Contact Point
  • Coastal Fisheries Programmes