Tokelau Population and Housing Census 2001

Date modified: 15 April 2019 Version 01

The 2001 census enumerated both de-facto and de-jure populations. It was intended that all information would be collected during an enumeration period of one week, the week from 11th October 2001. Census night for individual households was the night of 11 October 2001. Given the transport difficulties between Apia and Tokelau, and within Tokelau, and in order to restrict the enumeration period to less than one week, 9 interviewers were involved.

It is also obvious that in the conduct of a statistical operation as large and complex as a national census (even for Tokelau), it is inevitable that errors will occur due to questions being misunderstood, replies being incorrect or misinterpreted, etc. In fact, errors could have been introduced at all stages of the census, from planning, field operation stage, non-responses, non-call back to check on households that were missed during the actual enumeration and the training of enumerators (i.e. misunderstanding on the part of enumerators). Also errors could have been introduced at the data processing stage (editing, coding and data entry). In designing and carrying out the field procedures, including training procedures, efforts were made to reduce the effects of such errors on the results. However, it is clear that several errors still occurred.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.

-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, sanitation, water access, energy, waste disposal, household durables, remittances.
-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, religion, ethnicity, education, economic activities, fertility.

  • Collection start: 2001
  • Collection end: 2001
View source

Data and Resources

Identifier SPC_TKL_2001_PHC_v01_M
Issued 2019-04-15
Modified 2019-04-15
Version 01
DCAT Type Dataset
Temporal Coverage From 2001-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2001-12-31
Publisher Name Tokelau National Statistics Office
Contact Point
  • Tokelau National Statistics Office