Tonga Labour Force Survey 2018

Date modified: 05 July 2019 Version 01

This is the fourth Labor Force Survey of Tonga. The first one was conducted in 1990. Earlier surveys were conducted in 1990, 1993/94, and 2003 and the results of those surveys were published by the Statistics Department.

The objective of the LFS survey is providing information on not only well-known employment and unemployment as well as providing comprehensive information on other standard indicators characterizing the country labour market. It covers those age 10 and over in the whole Kingdom. Information includes age, sex, activity, current and usual employment status, hours worked and wages and in addition included a seperate Food Insecurity Experiences Survey (FIES) questionniare module at the Household Level.

The conceptual framework used in this labour force survey in Tonga aligns closely with the standards and guidelines set out in Resolutions of International Conferences of Labour Statistician.

Version 01: Clean, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.

The scope of the study includes:

-Household composition and individual characteristics of household members
-Literacy and education (age 3+)
-Training within the last 12 months (outside of the general eucation system)
-Employment main characteristics (10 years and older)
-Agriculture work
-Temporary absence
-Market activity
-Characteristics of the main paid job/business activity
-Characteristics of the second paid job/business activity
-Working time
-Job search
-Previous work experience
-Occupational injuries within the last 12 months
-Main activity
-Own use production work
-Food insecurity experiences (FIES) for Households only module

  • Collection start: 2018
  • Collection end: 2018
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Data and Resources

Identifier SPC_TON_2018_LFS_v01_M
Issued 2019-07-05
Modified 2019-07-05
Version 01
DCAT Type Text
Temporal Coverage From 2018-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2018-12-31
Publisher Name Tonga Statistics Department (TSD)
Contact Point
  • Tonga Statistics Department