Samoa Population and Housing Census 1991

Date modified: 02 October 2019 Version 1

The Census provides a great deal of useful information about demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population. The 1991 Census counted all persons who were living in Western Samoa on census night. It excluded Western Samoans living in other countries. The 1991 census was processed in house in the newly established Data Processing Division of the Department of Statistics. Two publications of the 1991 census have already been released. The village directory was released in October 1992 and a publication of selected tables in May 1993. The census process began with a decision by the Statistics Advisory Board late in 1989 to take a census in November 1991. A project document was prepared with the assistance from ESCAP, through its Regional Adviser for Censuses and Surveys, and submitted to UNFPA for support. The document was subsequently approved and UNFPA assistance was secured. The Minister of Statistics also gave assurance of government suport which provided the impetus for preparatory work. The first step was to draw up a detailed work plan complete with timing and duration of each activity its cost and its expected output. Once this plan was approved, some important elements could be into place. The first was to ensure that the department of statistics and cooperating agencies were organised in a way conducive to performing key census tasks.

version 1: cleaned and de-identified data.

- POPULATION: size, growth, and distribution of population
- DEMOGRAPHIC: age and sex distribution, marriages, sex ratios, internal migration, lifetime migration, and fertility.
- SOCIAL: religion, education, citizenship, and matai status.
- ECONOMIC: employed, unemployed, and not economically active.
- PROJECTIONS: baseline information, assumptions and results.
- HOUSING Charateristics.

  • Collection start: 1991
  • Collection end: 1991
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Data and Resources

Identifier SPC_WSM_1991_PHC_v01_M
Issued 2019-07-01
Modified 2019-10-02
Version 1
DCAT Type Text
Temporal Coverage From 1991-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 1991-12-31
Publisher Name Samoa Bureau of Statistics
Contact Point
  • Government Statistician