Tonga Agricultural Census 2001

Date modified: 01 April 2019

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) was entrusted with the responsibility to lead the implementation of the agricultural census project with the assistance of the Statistics Department (SD). The Census was conducted under the National Statistics Act 1978 which provides for obligation of the citizens to provide information, confidentiality of information provided and the duties of the census staff. A National Agriculture Census Committee was constituted to guide and supervise the entire census exercise. Technical and financial assistance for undertaking the census was provided by the FAO of the UN.

The undertaking of the AC 2001 was envisioned to: 1. provide benchmark or basic data on the structure of agricultural holdings and their main characteristics; 2. use this information to develop a regular system of agricultural statistics; 3. build up some important village and regional level statistics; 4. establish a technical and organizational foundation on which to build up a comprehensive and integrated system of food and agricultural statistics; and 5. provide a frame from which samples can be drawn to study certain aspects of agricultural activities in greater depth.

The 2001 Agricultural Census covered the following items:

1. Level of Agricultural Activity
• Non-agricultural
• Minor agricultural
• Subsistence only
• Subsistence with occasional selling
• Commercial crop producer

  1. Ownership of Tax Allotment (‘Api Tukuhau)
    • Name of Owner(s)
    • Area
    • Present Status
    • Land Location

  2. Agricultural Holdings and Method of Operation
    • Name of Operator(s)
    • Method of Operation
    • Holding Area
    • Number of Separate Parcels
    • Location of Holding

  3. Crops and Trees Grown by Minor Agricultural Household Only
    • Crops/Trees Currently Growing/Still Growing

  4. Name of Crops/Trees
  5. Area
  6. Number of Plants
    • Crops/Trees Planted and Harvested During the Last 12 Months
  7. Name of Crops/Trees
  8. Area
  9. Number of Plants

  10. Household Membership and Economic Characteristics
    • Name
    • Sex
    • Age
    • Main Activity
    • Employment Status
    • Occupation
    • Industry

  11. Livestock Including Dogs
    • Number Kept as of the day of visit to the household
    • Number Disposed during the past twelve months prior to census enumeration

  12. Fisheries
    • Main Purpose of Fishing Activity
    • Type of Fishing Method
    • Number of Trips during the past week
    • Number of Persons Engaged
    • Use of Boats whether Owned/Hired/Borrowed
    • Number of Boats Owned
    • Proportion of Fish/Other Sea Products Sold
    • Means of Disposal/Selling Fish/Other Sea Products

1. Parcel Details
• Location of Parcel
• Total Parcel Area
• Land Tenure
• Main Land Use
• Length of Use/Fallow

  1. Agricultural Income and Loan
    • Proportion of Household Income Derived from Agricultural Activities
    • Availment of Loan for Agricultural Activities
    • Main Source of Loan(s)

  2. Labour Inputs
    • Membership Status
    • Sex
    • Age
    • Type of Labor
    • Hours Worked in the Holding last week
    • Wages per Month if paid worker
    • Other Benefits Received if paid worker
    • Industry for Other Occupation
    • Status of Other Occupation
    • Number and Sex of Hired Laborers
    • Average Number of Days Worked of Hired Laborers (male and female)
    • Average Hours Worked/Day of Hired Laborers (male and female)

  3. Use of Fertilizers and Agricultural Chemicals
    • Use of inorganic fertilizers
    • Use of organic fertilizers
    • Use of agricultural chemicals

  4. Name of Crop
  5. Chemical Used

  6. Equipment Used
    • Type of Equipment used
    • Number Owned
    • Whether Hired/Borrowed

  7. Agro-Forestry on the Holding
    • Name of Trees/Shrubs
    • Uses of Trees/Shrubs

  8. Handicraft Making
    • Household Members Engaged
    • Proportion of Raw Materials Taken from the Holding
    • Proportion of Raw Materials Bought
    • Proportion of Raw Materials Sold

1. Number of Separate Parcels

  1. Plot Details
    • Area of Plot
    • Crops Grown
    • Method of Sowing
    • Proportion of Mixed Crops
    • Number of Plants in Scattered Planting

  2. Scattered/Boundary Crops/Trees Growing on this Parcel
    • Name of Scattered Crops/Trees
    • Number of Crops/Trees
    • Name of Boundary Crops/Trees
    • Number of Crops/Trees

  3. Crops Planted and Already Harvested on this Parcel
    • Name of Crops/Trees Planted and Already Harvested
    • Area Harvested
    • Number of Plants if no area
    • Proportion Sold

  4. Collection start: 2001

  5. Collection end: 2001
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Data and Resources

Identifier TON_2001_AgC_v01_M
Issued 2019-04-01
Modified 2019-04-01
DCAT Type Text
Temporal Coverage From 2001-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2001-12-31
Publisher Name
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
  • Statistics Department