Tonga, 2007 - 2011, Petroleum Product imports

Date modified: 15 February 2022

Dataset captures the overall petroleum products imported into Tonga from 2007 - 2011. Products captured include all petroleum products i.e. diesel, motor spirit, kerosene, LPG, and Lubricants. Data is captured by date of entry, country of origin, description of the goods, unit, quantity and CIF value. Data is produced by the Tonga Customs Office with sensitive information removed. Data was provided by the Tonga Energy Roadmap Implementation Unit (TERM IU) Office. 2007 data set is lacking the description of the fuel, however data becomes more detailed with the recent years.

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Alternate Identifier 4661
Issued 2022-02-15T04:38:27.850293
Modified 2022-02-15T15:38:27.779938
DCAT Type Text
Source Tonga Customs