Pacific Women Lead Papua New Guinea social-media-and-popular-culture

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5 datasets found

  • State of Media and Communications Report 2013

    The Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS) State of Media and Communication Study is designed to provide baseline measures on the key evaluation questions developed by PACMAS...
  • Actions and Impacts for a Peaceful Pacific: 2015 and Beyond

    This publication brings together the perspectives of women involved in the Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency of Bougainville, Vois Blong Mere Solomon of Solomon Islands...
  • Pacific Girl Inception Workshop

    The Pacific Girl Inception Workshop was held from 21–25 October 2019 in Suva, Fiji. The week-long workshop comprised the following meetings: One-day Girls Pawa Toktok with...
  • About Pacific Girl

    This document provides details about the Australian Government’s investment in supporting adolescent girls in the Pacific. It includes information about: The funded implementing...
  • Pacific Girls Speak

    Adolescent girls in the Pacific face challenges because they are girls; and they can also be discriminated against for other reasons, such as having a disability or getting...