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103 datasets found

  • Calculated using the Open data scale


    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    Water and Sanitation

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    Mine tailings

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    This report presents a world-wide inventory of operating mines that dispose of mine tailings to marine and riverine waters and a review of what is known about the environmental impacts of...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    ADB Health

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The project will strengthen the rural health system in selected areas of Papua New Guinea (PNG) by increasing the coverage and quality of primary health care (PHC) in partnership with...

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    ADB Border Project

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The objectives of the Wutung Pilot Border Trade Investment Development Project (PBTIDP) are to remove the infrastructure bottleneck on the transport corridor and to improve the investment...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    ADP Port

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The Project will expand the cargo handling capacity of Lae port, improve the livelihood of those directly or indirectly affected, and reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Lae. It will...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    ADB Roads

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea (PNG), comprising of the Provinces of Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Southern Highlands, Hela, Eastern Highlands, Enga and Simbu, is a major...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    ADB Civil Aviation

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The National Airports Corporation (NAC) is the executing Agency (EA) of the Civil Aviation Development Investment Program (CADIP) in Papua New Guinea. The EA has set up a Project...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    ADB PNG Resident Mission Reports

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    Various report by Asian Development Bank across various sectors in Papua New Guinea

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Pacific Economic Update 2017-2019

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Dataset

    Latest update on PAcific Countries and their economy by the Asian Development Bank

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Pacific Economic Monitor (2018)

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The Monitor provides an update of developments in Pacific economies and explores topical policy issues.

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    Private investment and macroeconomic environment in the South Pacific Island countries: A cross-country analysis.

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    This dataset has no description

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    Pacific Energy Update

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The 14 developing member countries (DMCs) of the Pacific Department of the Asi an Development Bank (ADB) cover a wide diversity. Populations range from the top three countries,...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale


    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The economic growth outlook for developing Asia remains vibrant. AsianDevelopment Outlook 2018 foresees continued momentum after growth accelerated to 6.1% in 2017. The region is...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale


    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The gross domestic product (GDP) of Papua New Guinea (PNG) grew at an annual average rate of nearly 7% between 2007 and 2010, and is expected to perform even better in 2011. Moreover, the...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Climate change in Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    This chapter provides a brief description of Papua New Guinea, its past and present climate as well as projections for the future. The climate observation network and the availability of...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Land suitability assessment for selected crops in PNG

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The Papua New Guinea Resource Information System (PNGRIS) is a micro-computer-based georeferenced database containing information on natural resources, population distribution, rural land...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Infrastructure expansion challenges sustainable development in Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The island of New Guinea hosts the third largest expanse of tropical rainforest on the planet. Papua New Guinea—comprising the eastern half of the island—plans to nearly double its...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    2019 PNG State of the Environment Report _First Draft 16.07.19

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    PNG is endowed with rich natural resources and culture and is known as one of the cultural and mega biodiversity hotspots globally. Located on the eastern part of the island of New...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    Papua New Guinea Vision 2050

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    Vision 2050 is underpinned by seven Strategic Focus Areas, which are referred to as pillars: Human Capital Development, Gender, Youth and People Empowerment Wealth Creation Institutional...

  • Calculated using the Open data scale

    First biennial update report (BUR) to UNFCCC 2018

    Papua New Guinea Data Portal Publications

    The Papua New Guinea Government submits PNG’s first Biennial Update Report (BUR1) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The report follows the BUR...