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Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Ce jeu de données recense l'historique complet de toutes les publications mises en avant sur data.gouv.nc depuis 2019.
Liste des partenaires
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Ce jeu de données présente la liste des partenaires de data.gouv.nc
Cas des cancers diagnostiqués en Nouvelle Calédonie
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Dans le cadre du Pacific Dataviz Challenge 2024, la Direction des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales (DASS) du gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Calédonie met à disposition la liste des cas de...
Liste des spécialités des formateurs
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Ce jeu de données recense les spécialités des formateurs agréés en Nouvelle-Calédonie, offrant ainsi une vue détaillée des compétences et domaines d'expertise disponibles dans le cadre de...
Baromètre de maturité numérique de la filière numérique 2018
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Le Baromètre de maturité numérique de la filière numérique est une enquête permettant d’évaluer de manière quantitative l’accès, les usages et la compréhension des entreprises...
Liste des formateurs avec agrément en cours
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Ce jeu de données fournit la liste des formateurs agréés par la Direction de la Formation Professionnelle Continue.
Liste des végétaux destinés à la plantation, autorisés et interdits à l’importation en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Ce jeu de données présente la liste des végétaux destinés à la plantation, autorisés ainsi que la forme autorisée à l’importation en Nouvelle-Calédonie, ainsi que la liste de ceux qui...
Liste des poissons d'ornement d'eau douce pour aquarium autorisés à l'importation
Open Data Nouvelle-Calédonie Dataset
Ce jeu de données présente la liste des poissons d’ornement d’eau douce pour aquarium autorisés à l’importation en Nouvelle-Calédonie. L’insularité offre à la Nouvelle-Calédonie une...
Fiji Population and Housing Census 1996
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The objectives of Census changed over time shifting from earlier years where they were essentially household registrations and counts, to now where a national population census stands...
Fiji Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2002-2003
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
A national Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) is a critical component of the work of the Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics. It provides the data which is necessary for the...
Fiji Population and Housing Census 2007
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The objectives of Census changed over time shifting from earlier years where they were essentially household registrations and counts, to now where a national population census stands...
Fiji Employment and Unemployment Survey 2010-2011
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The 2010-2011 Survey on Employment and Unemployment is intended to be part of a regular on-going exercise to obtain comprehensive national data on employment and unemployment that is not...
Nauru Demographic Health Survey 2007
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The main objective of a demographic household survey (DHS) is to provide estimates of a number of basic demographic and health variables. This is done through interviews with a...
Samoa Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2008
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The purpose of the HIES survey is to obtain information on the income, consumption pattern and incidences of poverty for different groups of people in Samoa. This information will be used...
Samoa Community Perception Survey 2013
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The CPS survey is a follow up survey designed to provide information that will help to evaluate the current situation and status of the police services which had been delivered to the...
Tokelau Population and Housing Census 2001
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The 2001 census enumerated both de-facto and de-jure populations. It was intended that all information would be collected during an enumeration period of one week, the week from 11th...
Tokelau Population and Housing Census 2006
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The 2006 Census of Tokelau was conducted on the 19th of October 2006, by both local representatives and Statistics New Zealand staff. Significant planning went into both the collection...
Tokelau Population and Housing Census 2011
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
Information from the census provides an overall view of the people of Tokelau and the places where they live. Census information is used to plan vital public services, such as education,...
Tonga Recognised Seasonal Employer Program Impact Evaluation 2007-2010
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
Seasonal migration programs are widely used around the world, yet there is little evidence about their development impacts. A multi-year prospective evaluation of New Zealand's Recognised...
Tonga Population and Housing Census 2011
SPC Statistics for Development Division (SDD) Dataset
The Census is the official count of population, dwellings and households in Tonga and it provides a ‘snapshot’ of the country at one specific point in time: 30th of November 2011. A Tonga...