Using present-day observations to detect when anthropogenic change forces surface ocean carbonate chemistry outside preindustrial bounds
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
One of the major challenges to assessing the impact of ocean acidification on marine life is detecting and interpreting long-term change in the context of natural variability. This study...
Mineralogy of deep-sea coral aragonites as a function of aragonite saturation state
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
In an ocean with rapidly changing chemistry, studies have assessed coral skeletal health under projected ocean acidification (OA) scenarios by characterizing morphological distortions in...
Phytoplankton do not produce carbon-rich organic matter in high CO2 oceans
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
The ocean is a substantial sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) released as a result of human activities. Over the coming decades the dissolved inorganic C concentration in the...
Coral reefs and people in a high-CO2 world: where can science make a difference to people?
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
Reefs and People at Risk Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere put shallow, warm-water coral reef ecosystems, and the people who depend upon them at risk from two key...
Deducing acidification rates based on short-term time series
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
We show that, statistically, the simple linear regression (SLR)-determined rate of temporal change in seawater pH ($β$pH), the so-called acidification rate, can be expressed as a linear...
Responses of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity related genes to elevated CO2 levels in the brain of three teleost species
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Publications
The continuous increase of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere resulting in ocean acidification has been reported to affect brain function in some fishes. During adulthood, cell...